Hop Plant Variety: Mt Hood

Named after the famous Oregon volcano, Mt. Hood is an aroma variety that was bred from the German Hallertauer variety and released in 1989 from the U.S.D.A. breeding program in Oregon. It has clear similarities to German Hallertauer and Hersbrucker, and is typically used in Lagers, Pilsners, Bocks, Wheat, Alt, and Helles beers.


Alpha Acids: 4-7%

Beta: 5-8%

Yield #’s / acre: 1,450 – 1,750

Purpose: Aroma

Co-Humulone:  21-23%

Seasonal Maturity: Early to Mid

Growth Rate: Moderate to High

Sidearm Length: 20-40”

Cone Size: Medium

Cone Density: Moderate to Compact

Resistant to:  Moderately to Downy Mildew

Susceptible to: 

Style Guide:  Lagers, Pilsners, Bocks, Wheat, Helles,

Aroma: Spicy, Earthy, Herbal

Substitutes: Crystal

Mt Hood

Want to Grow Mt Hood Hop Plants?